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Evacuations In Ruidoso And Surrounding Areas

Tragedy Strikes New Mexico: Wildfire Fatality and Evacuations

Evacuations in Ruidoso and Surrounding Areas

As a wildfire wreaks havoc in New Mexico, tragedy has struck with the loss of at least one life. The village of Ruidoso and neighboring areas have been ordered to evacuate immediately, affecting thousands of residents.

Ruidoso's Unique Situation

Ruidoso, with a population of around 8,000, attracts a significant number of visitors for recreational activities. The area boasts stables and RV hookups, but authorities emphasize the importance of residents and guests contacting emergency services before proceeding.

Immediate Evacuation Order

On Monday, authorities issued an urgent evacuation order for Ruidoso NM as the wildfire rapidly spread. The Ruidoso Office of Emergency Management (OEM)密切监测着火灾在Mescalero South Fork地区的情况。

Aerial firefighting

An air tanker has been deployed to combat the massive fire, as seen in aerial footage captured over the affected areas. The valiant efforts of firefighters and emergency responders continue to mitigate the situation.

Stay Informed and Seek Assistance

Residents are urged to stay informed about the latest developments through reliable sources and to seek assistance if needed. Emergency shelters have been established for those displaced by the wildfire.
